
15. Kişisel Sergi




Having spent her hours in the infinite depths of the Internet for the past 6 years, Tumay Gunes Tartar enriches the visuals of all her glass-ceramic wall panel works with illustrative illusion effects, which she has designed, produced, and applied to living spaces for 20 years. She turns these designs that she has brought into existence on digital platforms into “Digital Surfaces,” with her own words, by transferring them to “mixed media” textures in which she uses various materials.

When the production process is analyzed, the effects of all her works she has produced thus far can be clearly seen. It can also be seen that the artist has used tactile and percievable three-dimensional materials, breaking the inaccessability of digitalism in her recent productions. With the sharp transformation of this “Transferring My Ceramics in Living Spaces to Digital Surfaces,” she questions the concepts of civil liberties in the surfaces she has designed, creating figures that touch upon the social scars reflected in some of her works. The symmetry that all living creatures in the universe sustain revelas conscious meanings, transferring the recurring motions to all figures and forms.

Click here to download biography and works in English